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Thread: Monday night meltdown

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Sep 2005
    SE Kansas

    Default Monday night meltdown

    I was unable to watch the game, but I listen to all I could on the radio, so I'm asking all those who had the opportunity to see it: What happened to our Chiefs? Please expound on any thing you feel pertinent.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Monday night meltdown

    Where do I start? Think last year's team minus the offense and you'll have a good idea of what they looked like. The secondary was carved up like Thanksgiving dinner. It started ugly then got worse. It really wasn't as close as the score showed. The offensive line could not pass protect. I don't know how Trent Green escaped that game without significant injury. Samie Parker dropped everything thrown his way. Except one pass when the game was already over. He scored a TD on that catch, but overall was very disappointing. LJ fumbled inside the 20. Every team goes out and lays an egg somewhere throughout the season. Let's hope that is what happened on Monday night. Denver was ready for them and KC just came out flat. They were beaten in every aspect of the game. The bright side is that the Chiefs are still 2-1 after 3 tough games. They will get a good test this weekend against the Eagles. I'm going to pretend that I didn't watch Monday's game and go into Sunday with a positive attitude. Maybe our beloved Chiefs will take this game serious, because there were only 11 NFL players on the field Monday and none of them were wearing red. Go CHIEFS!!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Monday night meltdown

    This article here for pretty much says it best:

  4. #4
    Member Since
    Sep 2005
    SE Kansas

    Default Re: Monday night meltdown

    Wow, I consider myself fortunate that I missed the game. I hope this was an isolated incident, not one that exposed too many weaknesses that was hidden under the surface. Thanks for the analysis and the link. GO CHIEFS!


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