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Thread: Don't be a Bandwagon fan!

  1. #1

    Default Don't be a Bandwagon fan!

    Guys, losses suck. No surprise there. But the over reaction to wins and loses this year seems to be insane.

    Not just with the Chiefs, but with every team. I listen to NFL radio on Sirius so much that it even makes me sick. Every week I listen to people jump on and off the bandwagons of teams across the NFL.

    Earlier this year, people were calling Denver one of Mike Shanahan's best teams. Their defense was thought to be one of the best in the NFL, they had all kinds of running backs. Yesterday, they lost to SD in embarrasing fashion giving up 40+ points. So much for that heralded defense. Not to mentioned the QB and RB problems they have now. Boy, have moods changed there.

    I remember people basting Bill Parcells and the Cowboys after the Giants loss. The season was OVER. The Cowboy faithful had thrown in the towel. The O-line couldn't protect anyone. The defense was swiss cheese, the offense couldn't hang on to the ball. T.O. was a piece of crap. This was Bill Parcell's last season. Parcells had lost his touch and couldn't relate with todays players. Now here we are. Up until yesterday, people were listing them as the best team in the NFC and possibly the NFL.

    If I had the energy I could say the same things about Pittsburgh. Started high, then low, then beat the Chiefs, then low. Now their playing well.

    Could we say the same about Jacksonville? Cincinnatti? Carolina? New York Jets? 49ers? Atlanta? Seattle?

    Now critics are talking about Indianapolis???

    Here's my point. Everyone's pissed when the Chiefs lose. But if the Chiefs had won yesterday, then these boards would have been full of people talking about the Superbowl bound Chiefs. Instead, we are talking about firing everyone and starting over. This was one game against a 10-3 team that has a very good shot of winning the Superbowl. Nobody would have circled that game as a definite win at the beginning of the season.

    I hope we win out and make the playoffs, but if not, I won't be pointing to the Baltimore game as the reason. I didn't think the Chiefs were the better team heading into that game and I still don't. But, that doesn't mean the Chiefs can't beat the Ravens on any given Sunday.

    And that's why I hope the Chiefs run the table and make the Playoffs. It's one game.

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Sep 2005
    SE Kansas

    Default Re: Don't be a Bandwagon fan!

    It was actually the Browns game that sent me spiraling; clearly a game we should have won, and now should the Chiefs make the play-offs then they would have to run the tables. Even if they run the tables and squeak into the playoffs they would be one and done like in years past. What I am tired of is the 17 years of King CarlÂ’s 5 year plan to get to the Super Bowl. No other team in the NFL would have that kind of patience with a GM who is bent on fielding a sub par team.

    Good article. BTW

  3. #3
    Member Since
    May 2006

    Default Re: Don't be a Bandwagon fan!

    The realist in me has taken hold. The Brown's game was inexcusable. That was the game that potentially blew the season. IF we don't make the playoffs, that is the game that I will point too. Just like the Buffalo game last year.

    The Chiefs are notorious for blowing the games that they should win hands down.

    I am also calling the Detroit game next year our inexcusable loss. I might retract that after the schedule comes out if they play them early in the season. The Chiefs tend to blow these games when they are in the second half of the season.

    As far as this season goes, I hope they win out. I just don't believe they will. That doesn't make me a bandwagoner though. I still support my team.
    THAT quarterback is NOT a Pro Bowl quarterback. Never was and never will be.

  4. #4
    Member Since
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Don't be a Bandwagon fan!

    We brought this situation on ouselves, by losing games we should have won, but that is the NFL, we are not being Bandwagon Fans, just Frustrated with the managing of the players and coaches that has left old time Chiefs Fans with a gut full of frustrating years that should have long ago been addressed, as Chiefster pointed out, we have a GM that would have been long gone in any other organization, because he soesn't seem to comprehend what makes a team a team. I love my Chiefs, I would have to, to stick with them through thick and thin, win or lose they are my team, but that doesn't take away my right to express my opinion about the way things are going. The Board is a great place to let steam off and mentally prepare myself for the next game which I am pulling for the Chiefs to win all the way, but like Guru said, that doesn't make the realist in me to not see the big picture, which at this point doesn't seem that bright. Lika all true fans, we see the worst and hope for the best. Great article Coach, and my final word is:
    GO CHIEFS :hammer: Somebody, Anybody!!

    8-) :pint:
    Go Chiefs Eleven, win
    in 2007!!:fighting0068:

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Sep 2005
    SE Kansas

    Default Re: Don't be a Bandwagon fan!

    I will be HONEST (Guru, Ahem 8-) j/k) I was ready to lay down the mantel after last SundayÂ’s Raven debacle as stated on another BB, and was called a band wagon fan and rightfully so; I didn't argue the point. However, it was how I felt at the time, and still do to a lesser degree but the Chiefs are like bad crack cocaine; once your addicted you keep going back to it regardless of how detrimental it is.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Don't be a Bandwagon fan!

    Let me be clear. I didn't call anyone in particular here a bandwagon fan. I'm just saying, don't be one.

    The people that take time out of their lives to post on this board throughout the season are NOT bandwagon fans. However, The people that come out of the woodwork when the Chiefs beat the Broncos(mainly sports announcers) and then two weeks later give up on the Chiefs when they lose a game against one of the best teams in the NFL are bandwagon fans.

    All I'm saying is that the Chiefs could need 10 wins to get in. I don't care who they come against. Scratch that, I'd like 4 of them to be against Denver and Oakland every year. Other than that, it doesn't matter to me.

    Everyone has a right to be pissed when they play like crap. But don't give up on the team. A win is a win, a loss is a loss whether it's 50 points or 1 pt. Whether it's Cleveland or Arizona.

    If we win 10, we got a shot. If we win 9, everything would have to go perfectly. If we win 8, we gone.

    In the 25 years that I've been watching the NFL(I'm 33), I don't recall a year that was as unpredictable from week to week as this one.

    If you'd like proof, then consider this. Right now 3 "experts" on Yahoo, are tied with a record of 129-79 for picking the winning team. That's a winning percentage of 62%. That is only 12% better than throwing a dart. This means that the experts are picking just slightly less than 1 game week better than a dartboard could. And this is just for picking a winner, NOT picking against the spread. In fact, in the league, we have one person that has picked 130 games correctly, beating all of the so-called experts. And to boot, I would be beating the experts too if I hadn't forgot to make my picks one week. Who am I?

    Mark my words. If the Chiefs beat S.D., Oak, and then finish the year off with a win against Jax. They will make the playoffs and announcers across the nation will be calling the Chiefs a "Team that nobody wants to Play".

    San Diego currently enjoys a 7 game winning streak. Which makes me wonder who gave them their last loss??? Oakland is beatable. And Jax is a home game.

    Let's hope for 3-0 to finish the season, regardless of whether they make the playoffs.

    I believe! Do you?

  7. #7
    Member Since
    Sep 2005
    SE Kansas

    Default Re: Don't be a Bandwagon fan!

    admin wrote:

    I believe! Do you?

    I'd sure like to; I admire yours and everyone elses resolve. I'm tryin hard to find a reason tune in week after week. I must be a closet Chiefs football S&M freak.

  8. #8
    Member Since
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Don't be a Bandwagon fan!

    admin wrote:

    I believe! Do you?

    Sure, like the fans in Mudville, I hope old Casey steps up and delivers for the team. I hope that Trent, Tony, Sammy, Eddie, Dante, LJ, Bennet, all "Matriculate" up the field in the next three games and we find ourselves in the Playoffs, stranger things have happened, so until circumstances dictate that the Chiefs no longer have a chance to make the Playoffs, I Believe!!

    GO CHIEFS :hammer: The Chargers!!

    8-) :pint:
    Go Chiefs Eleven, win
    in 2007!!:fighting0068:

  9. #9
    Member Since
    Jun 2006
    betwwen lost and nowhere,southcentral ks.

    Default Re: Don't be a Bandwagon fan!

    i go and put on one of my throwback jerseys of the 69 team. then remember what a balanced team is. but i`ll always be a chiefs fan

  10. #10
    Member Since
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: Don't be a Bandwagon fan!

    I am with you brother, I too long for the time when we fielded a balanced team, you can make it to the playoffs with out one, but usually the team that has a balanced team is the one who goes to and wins the Big One. Good post my friend.

    GO CHIEFS :hammer: The Chargers!!

    8-) :pint:
    Go Chiefs Eleven, win
    in 2007!!:fighting0068:

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